Home/Art/Private and religious architecture/Church of Santa Maria della Carità (Detta della Scopa)
Church of Santa Maria della Carità (Detta della Scopa) 2017-01-10T20:07:31+08:00
Church of Santa Maria della Carità (Detta della Scopa)

The church is dedicated to St. Mark the Evangelist, it is a national monument . The name “of Charity” descends from the old hospital that was attached to the temple. It’s also known as “the Broom” because the fellow hospital employees is governed by an instrument shaped like a broom. The construction of this church dates back to 1532 on the design of Cola D’ Amatrice (Nicola Filotesio) and was completed in 1583. In the early decades of the seventeenth century were made ornaments, Baroque style, the niches of the altars. The frescoes are of Buratti (seventeenth century) who was a student of Pomarancio.