Giovanna Garzoni 2017-01-10T20:07:32+08:00
Giovanna Garzoni

Giovanna Garzoni (Ascoli Piceno, 1600 – Rome, between 10 and 15 February, 1670) was an Italian painter and miniaturist. He was probably born in 1600 in Ascoli Piceno from a family of Venetian origin.

Was inclined to fine arts since young, he worked in various cities of Italy and was much appreciated during the Baroque. The period spent in Ascoli Piceno and his first training very little is known, but certainly before the Thirty Years lived in Venice where he painted a portrait of Saint Andrew, now housed in the Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice, and he devoted himself to calligraphy at the school of James Rogni.

Appreciated for its floral images, at least between 1942 and 1951 he lived in Florence, where he worked for the Grand Duke Ferdinand II. He died between 10 and 15 February 1670 and academics, as a sign of gratitude tangible, raised in his honor the memorial medallion decorated by Giuseppe Ghezzi in the church of Santi Luca e Martina. Ascoli Piceno it was named a rua: Rua Giovanna Garzoni and the headquarters of the Civic Art Gallery has exhibited the picture of herself painted by Carlo Maratta.