Home/Culture/Famous Personalities/Sebastiano Andreantonelli
Sebastiano Andreantonelli 2017-01-10T20:07:58+08:00
Sebastiano Andreantonelli

Sebastiano Andreantonelli (Ascoli Piceno, 1594 – Ascoli Piceno, 1643) was an Italian presbyter and historian. His most famous work is Historiae Asculanae.

Since his childhood, he showed a natural inclination towards different subjects. His talent soon made him a central figure in the fields of history, poetry and law.

Andreantonelli’s contribution to the study of Ascoli’s ancient history and culture was fundamental. His main work, Storia di Ascoli, was the result of an accurate historical and epigraphic research carried out during his career. His works have always been widely admired and still represent a valuable source of information for those interested in the history of Ascoli Piceno.

Several Italian scholars, such as Giammaria Mazzucchelli and Girolamo Tiraboschi, named Andreantonelli as one of the most illustrious Italian authors of his time. Tiraboschi, in particular, reserved a special mention for Historiae Asculanae in his Storia della Letteratura Italiana (Book III, Volume III).

On the initiative of the Municipality of Ascoli Piceno, the street (a “Rua”, according to official Ascoli place names) where his home was located was named after him.