Home/Food/Recipes/Pollo ‘ncip ‘nciap
Pollo ‘ncip ‘nciap 2017-01-10T20:07:48+08:00
Pollo ‘ncip ‘nciap

The name of this recipe cannot be translated, but here is a brief explanation of what we are talking about: slices of pan-browned chicken with olive oil, garlic, rosemary and spicy chili pepper.

Preparation method:

Thoroughly pluck a chicken and remove giblets. Clean and cut chicken into pieces.

Heat some olive oil in a pan; add a couple of whole garlic cloves, a sprig of rosemary and chili pepper.

Place chicken pieces in the pan and brown all sides on high heat.

Once cooking is almost complete, add some wine and allow to evaporate.

Add salt and pepper to taste.

(Some people add tomatoes even though the original recipe doesn’t call for them).