Home/Food/Recipes/Ravioli of hen incaciati all’ascolana
Ravioli of hen incaciati all’ascolana 2015-10-19T17:48:59+08:00
Ravioli of hen incaciati all’ascolana

Ingredients for the broth:

1 medium sized chicken

1 piece of lean pork (ham)

About 600 grams onion




Double grinding meat (chicken and pork)


Stale bread


2 eggs


For the pastry:

6 eggs

6 ounces of flour

6 shells of white wine


Prepare the broth with chicken, and pork with celery, carrot, onion, a little cinnamon and cook in a pressure cooker for about 2 hours.

When cooked, remove the meat from the broth, the chicken bone and grind together the ham, 2 times.

Subsequently add the stock the bread and add to the mixture along with nutmeg, 2 eggs and Parmesan. Prepare the pastry with 6 eggs, 6 ounces of flour and 6 shells of white wine.

The dough should be very fine, and will roll out on a floor with flour.

Prepare with a spoonful of stuffing balls to put on the sheet spaced about 6 cm., Cover with a strip of pastry and cut in the classic manner of the ravioli.